Urban Water Security Academy Registration Form

Please fill out the form below to register for the UrbanWaterSECURITY Academy. Ensure all details are correct before submitting.

    Personal Information

    Academic Details

    Registration Details

    Registration Options Selection

    Personal Data


    Ensure that all fields are filled out accurately. Verify your contact details as all communication will be sent to the provided email and mobile phone.

    Selecting ‘Yes’ for data consent is mandatory for registration due to the need to manage your participation and communicate updates about the event.

    By providing the option to acknowledge an Academy Team member, the form facilitates tracking of referrals, which may be important for managing invitations and scholarships. The consent field ensures compliance with data privacy standards necessary for event organization.

    Your registration will be confirmed upon successful payment. Please complete the payment online using a credit card accepted by major networks. During the payment process, ensure the charged amount corresponds to the selected registration package. In the payment description, please include “UWS24 – [Your First Name] [Your Last Name] – [Type of Registration (Standard or Comprehensive)].”

    © 2023 – Urban Water Security – All Rights Reserved